Dr. Nathan Jeffery ND
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Regain Your Health

Dr. Nathan Jeffery, ND is a Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Physician who Focuses Helping Individuals on their Personal Health and Wellness Journey.


What is Naturopathic medicine?

As a Regulated Health Profession, the Naturopathic approach involves the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of health conditions, diseases or disorders. An emphasis is placed on maintaining health through wellness, natural therapies and preventative medicine.

A variety of treatments are used ranging from psychological strategies for stress, IV nutrients to natural remedies but also incorporate conventional treatments when needed.

Naturopathic techniques to assess and diagnose involve questionnaires, diagnostic lab testing, functional lab testing, and physical exams.

We build health through optimizing digestion, balancing the nervous system, reducing inflammation, correcting structural irregularities, and supporting cellular nutrition.


Naturopathic Medicine

“As a Regulated Health Profession, the Naturopathic approach involves the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of health conditions, diseases or disorders. An emphasis is placed on maintaining health through wellness, natural therapies and preventative medicine.”

“My Personal Healing Journey sparked my Passion for Natural Medicine. I am passionate about sharing what I have learned and helping others on their healing journey.” Dr. Nathan Jeffery, ND


Telehealth- Virtual Healthcare

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