Integrative Pain Medicine
Chronic pain is a complex, multifaceted condition. It is now becoming more accepted that an integrated approach may be an effective long-term solution.
What is also interesting about pain is that there does not seem to be a single treatment protocol that works for everyone. Successful pain management is often achieved when multiple providers, each with their own skill set, work together.
AMVETS, one of the largest Veterans service organizations joined with the America Association of Naturopathic Physicians to promote the use of non-pharmacological medicines for pain sufferers.
Naturopathic medicine is particularly effective for pain because it always attempts to uncover the underlying causes of pain. Personalized therapies may involve:
Anti-inflammatory diet and supplements
Functional testing
Hormone evaluation
Injection therapies such as trigger point injections for joint pain and muscle tender points
Supporting gut health to reduce inflammation
Mind-body techniques
much more ...
Some commonly treated chronic pain conditions include:
Low back pain
Joint pain
IBS or digestive pain
For a non-pharmacological pain consult book an appointment with Dr. Jeffery Pain Reduction & Body Support
References: AANP, AMVETS Team Up to Promote Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Treating Veterans with Chronic Pain