Find Out If You Have Hidden Food Sensitivities!
Find out if you have any Hidden Food Sensitivities through EDS Food Sensitivity Testing!
Experienced Technician Lou Piche of Wildness Healing and Dr. Nathan Jeffery are collaborating to offer Food Sensitivity Testing/ Holistic Allergy Testing for Campbell River.
What is EDS Testing?
EDS or Electrodermal Screening is one of the ways Dr. Jeffery tests for Food Sensitivity. He likes this method because it is non invasive and clinically relevant. Additionally he has had his own personal experiences with the EDS Screening as well as for kids.
How It Works:
With the EDS method (also known as Vega Testing), the electrical capacity of the body is measured in the palm of your hand to first get a baseline.
We then introduce a food to the electrical circuit and if there is a change in the electrical output of the body then we flag this food as a potential sensitivity.
After Screening is Completed:
At the end of the session, we generate a list from over 200 possible foods, molds, and environmental chemicals to avoid for 2 months.
It's a fascinating experience and as we uncover potential sensitivities. Many people come across foods they have already suspected and more.
Important Next Steps:
After avoiding the foods for 2 months we meet again to retest the foods to generate a smaller, more focused long-term avoid list.
This follow-up step is a really important part of the process.
*EDS Food Sensitivity Screening Available For Campbell River Only.
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