COVID Safety Plan
We are continually adapting our business and the way we operate in response to the COVID situation. Our plan is continually being updated according to the evolving situation so please review.
We have created an online booking site for visits. Please schedule naturopathic visits, EDS Food Sensitivity testing, and remedy/supplement pick-ups online or by phone 250 286 3655.
We have discontinued reception. At times, Dr. Jeffery or Heidi may not be available to answer the phone. We are checking messages throughout the day but at times it may take 1-2 business days to return your call.
Please call 250 286 3655 or email for remedy orders. We are drop shipping remedies clients when available or scheduling remedy pick ups at the office when preordered remedies arrive. We are shipping by Canada Post or same-day Kyte Delivery to Courtenay.
We have a remedy pick up station next to our office for fast pick-up. Clients can also call us when they are in our parking lot and we can run them to their door. Please note this must be scheduled in advance.
We are limiting our office to a max occupancy of 4 people, with only 2 people in our waiting room. Please wait outside if these limits have been reached.
During visits, we lock the main doors as we do not have staff.
Please participate in physical distancing in the office. When we can not engage in physical distancing Dr. Jeffery or Heidi will wear a mask or face shield.
We also have disposable masks, but due to limited availability please bring your own non-medical mask if possible.
A hand washing station is set up in the back and hand sanitizer stations are set up at the entrance and outside each room
We are scheduling 30-minute breaks between scheduled visits and remedy pick-ups to disinfect the office and equipment. All equipment, doors, washroom and seating is disinfected in between visits in addition to regular cleaning schedule.
Only practitioners and scheduled clients and family members are in the office during the day.
We have set regular cleaning and disinfection times during the day. Our cleaning times at 8 am, 12 pm and 5 pm. This is in addition to disinfecting between visits.
We thank everyone for their support and understanding during these unprecedented times.