Setting a wellness routine is a key to success
This week I've been reflecting on what makes someone successful. After all there's a lot of work that needs to be done at home. Diet and nutrition, taking supplements, getting active, going to the gym and getting outside, meditation… our plans that we recommend are very complex.
As I sat to think about this, one thing that came to mind was the wellness routine. People who are successful with our programs all have a strong and consistent wellness routine.
So what does a good wellness routine look like. It doesn't have to be complicated. I tell people to take 20 minutes two times a day for their wellness routine. I'm amazed that how many people think they can't do this. but it's only 20 minutes of your day and they can set the stage for success and wellness.
For my wellness routine I wake up every morning and take a 2 minute heart rate variability reading. Which is followed by 20 minutes of guided breathing practice. I then prepare my supplements and my water and electrolytes for the day. In the evening, I do another guided breathing practice for 20 minutes.
I don't weaver on this routine. Some days it doesn't work out perfectly, I have kids jumping off of me and often in the evening I'm lying next to my daughter while she's falls asleep. But I find a way to work it into my routine day in day out. In the past I would start a wellness routine and then quickly fall off of it because it was not practical. I was being perfectionistic as well. A key part of my wellness routine is allowing for it to be imperfect but keeping it consistent.
My electrolyte mix for the day and evening with amino acid support for the brain.