Regulating our nervous system to optimize digestion and recover from stress
Stress will shift our nervous system towards a fight or flight response. And during these times our nervous system will down regulate digestion. This is why we can get a stomach ache or irritable bowel symptoms during times of stress.
Most of us these days are chronically stressed. The artificial light, electronic and information overload and emotional demands of life are fairly constant. As a result our vagus nerve, which controls the digestive systems is down regulated.
Because of this, we need tools to support our nervous systems in this modern society. There are many activities that stimulate the vagus nerve and as a result help improve digestive processes.
Stimulating the vagus nerve also has powerful anti inflammatory properties. So much so, researchers have implanted electrical devices to stimulate the nerve for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and depression. When I first learned about this, I thought it was pretty extreme! Luckly, don't have to undergo surgery to stimulate the vagus nerve. We can train the vagus nerve just like we can train our muscles.
In the office, I use something called heart rate variability biofeedback to help people determine which breathing pattern most effectively engages their vagus nerve. People can then go and practice this for 10 to 20 minutes a day at home just like physical exercise. I track the heart rate variability over a series of sessions and we see overtime people can much more effectively stimulate their parasympathetic nervous system or vagus nerve.
I also like to encourage my patients to engage in any activity that will help support the vagus nerve. In my office I've developed a few treatments focussing on boosting the vagus nerve. I do this to bring awareness to the feeling of relaxation that is experienced when we have a balanced nervous system.
This past year we started using the elapromed device to stimulate the vagus nerve. This system is most popular for its amazing skin rejuvenation properties but I have found that it boosts the vagus nerve / rest and digest system! So while I am stimulating your vagus nerve for healing properties, my clients are getting a facial. Most are happy with this and it has brought a fun and relaxing atmosphere to the office. We are calling it the Vagus Spa!
Electron foot baths is an other treatment that stimulates the vagus nerve. They work excellently to boost the rest and digest systems. Both the heat from the water, infrared belt and electrons seem to be synergistic. We add in breathing exercises to maximize vagus nerve activity.
At home, we can do one simple thing to support the vagus nerve and rest and digest systems now.
That is breathe! When you breathe at regular rhythms, we can profoundly put the brake on the fight or flight and boost the rest and digest response.
Research is showing it doesn’t have to be much. Just a few minutes each day is beneficial and the more you do it the easier it gets. Just like exercise.
So for those with digestive issues or anyone wanting recover faster from stress, take at least 10 minutes each day to sit and breathe.