Irritable bowel, the gut microbiome and food sensitivities

We are beginning to learn that our relationship with the bacteria in our gut has far-reaching implications for wellness and health. 

Here are some ways out gut microbiome influences health:

  1. They make nutrients like folate, vitamine K and many B vitamins

  2. They make neurotransmitters that may support the brain

  3. They produce short chain fatty acids like butyrate, an important nutrient that feeds the colon lining. Low butyrate has been associated with IBS, colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Interestingly, butyrate is found in butter, but the majority of this substance is made from the microbiome break down of plant material. 

Common digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome now have a strong link to abnormalities in our gut microbiome. 

It has been suggested that up to 60% of those with irritable bowel have a condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). In this condition, the microbiome migrates from the colon to the small intestine, leading to abnormal levels of fermentation. The small intestine is where most of our absorption of nutrients takes place and we normally have lower levels of gut bacteria here. This can lead to IBS symptoms. Gas, burping, abdominal bloating and reflux are the most common symptoms of a bacterial overgrowth. Many with bacterial overgrowths react to fibrous plant material like garlic, onions, and apples. They may also have aggravations of their symptoms from fiber and probiotic supplements. 

To test for this, we run a non invasive lactulose breath test. This will determine if there are abnormally high levels of gases in the breath from the bacterial overgrowth. 

A bacterial overgrowth can also be confused with food sensitivities. So how can you tell the difference? 

With food sensitivities, symptoms fade away after the food is removed for a period of time. We can control the foods we put in our body and eliminate symptoms quickly with food sensitivities. This is why food sensitivities are a good place to start. If foods are sitil bothering you after 2 months of elimination  we often begin investigating SIBO with a breath test. 

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